IMS NOIDA: MDP on Best practices in Lean Operations

A management development programe ( MDP) on “ Best practices in  Lean Operations”   was organized  by Prof H NSingh, Convener, on 21/1/12 from 9.30 am till 5.30pm . Key speakers were Mr N K Singh, consultant & Director, Avinar Services. He is qualified management consultant  with engineering background.He has worked as  President, profit centre head of  DCM Toyota and DCM Daewoo, Tata Motors. In his career spanning 40 years he has transformed many companies, He has been trained by Toyota, Japan in TPS( Totyota Production systems) and lean manufacturing. Mr H N Singh is proficient management consultant and an erudite academician. He has earned first class mech engineering degree from IIT, BHU. He has held many positions   as profit centre head and transformed organizations in electrical engineering and automobile sectors.
The program was attended by fifteen senior corporate person from various industries in Noida, Faridabad, Delhi. This  program covered  various topics” MURI, MUDA,MURA, JIT, TPS, LEAN OPERATIONS, KANBAN,ANDON,GENCHI GEBUTSI,POKAYOKE,JIDIKA etc . The participating managers rated the workshop as excellent, useful to transform their organization if implemented. The actual photograph, case study were shown where Lean Operations implementation resulted in  saving  of space, reduction of inventory, manpower, delivery time to end customer, warrrunty return reduction , overall increase in bottom line( profits).


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