Educational Visit to Dasna Jail

An educational visit to Dasna Jail was organized on April 12, 2014 for the students of B.A.LL.B. VIII and X Semester firsthand information was given on the conditions of inmates and the system of jail administration for their field work. The students not only interacted with some of the inmates but also had an opportunity to understand the reformative system of punishment.
About the Jail -:
1.Students  visited art Gallery (where painting were made by the prisoners)
2.Visitedvedio conferencing room.
3.Some prisoners were assigned work according to their skills as we visited stichingroom,where prisoners were stiching school uniforms.
4.Visited women cell, where approx.20 women were staying toghether in one hall with T.V facility available.
5.Visited men cell ,no. of prisoners were 10 times more then women.
6.Visited hall where food was being prepared by prisoners  for themselves,aprox 175 male prisoners were allocated work  to cook food,and around 62000 chapatis were being made by them daily.
7.Visited jail hospital,where prisoners were being treated .
8.Visited  Jail Libraray( which was full of huge collection of BIMTECH books and some others.),Yoga classes and computer Training were also being given to the prisoners.
NUPUR TALWAR AND RAJESH TALWAR  (Arushi murder case).-They both were giving free medical services to the patients in jail.
RAGINI- She was charged with sec 302 and 120b of IPC.She has given her LLM exams from jail.As now she is waiting for her Bail.
1.D.JAILOR-MR.SS YADAV- He was very cooperative with us.
and given us knowledge about the prisoners like 3 prisoners were punished with Death sentence.200 prisoners were punished with life imprisonment.Total 5000 Prisoners were present there.
2.JAIL DOCTOR- Mr.TYAGI- He served more then 10 yr as a dr. in moradabadjail.and told us about medical condition of Prisoners, most of them suffering of depression and severe diseases (cancer,TB,Aidslepprosyetc).
To bring into conformity with life after jail, an environment conducive for development, facilities such as Audio-Video Conference for Prisoners ,Tailoring  Centre , Learning Resources Centre, Computer Study Centre, Educational Facilities through, BIMTECH Birla Institute of Management , Greater Noida,  Law Library for inmates to know the laws, Meditation and Yoga  Centre, Hospitals  and others were provided. An inmate has a daily planned routine of working in the field of her /his interest such as in tailoring, canteen etc. Provision for legal aid lawyers were given to inmates for understanding the technicalities of Law. Dasna Jail was introduced in 1996 with 34 Acres of Land and presently 5000 intimates includes children also.10 Barracks were made for the male intimates and 3 barracks were made for the female intimates. Meeting of outside relatives with their intimates were held twice in a week, with in a jail campus on every Saturday.   The trip was coordinated by DrNiti Sinha (HOD, Law), MrSudhakaran (Law Faculty),and MsSandhyaAswal (PS). with the support of other faculty members Ms. Neelam seam,,Ms. Nabeela Aqueel,MsIndubala,Ms.Nehasingh
Report Prepared By Sudhakaran
                                  Law Faculty


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