Special Lecture on “We don’t listen, we hear”

School of Journalism and Mass communication, IMS NOIDA organized a special lecture on
“We don’t listen, we hear “in its Presentation Lab on March 24, 2015 in the guidance of Prof.(Dr.) Dr.N.K.Trikha, Advisor, SJMC  and Prof. M.Alam, Associate Dean, SJMC. This program 
was presented by Dr.Ritu Dubey Tiwari, Assistant Professor, SJMC.She told the students that many successful leaders and entrepreneurs gave credit to their success to effective listening skills and that effective listening was a skill that underpinned all positive human relationships – they were the building blocks of success.Richard Branson frequently quoted – “Listening is one of the main factors behind the success.”Researchers say that adults spend an average of 70% of their time in some sort of communication, of this; an average of 45% is spent in listening compared to 30% in speaking, 16% in reading and 9%in writing. (Adler, R. et al. 2001).In this presentation students leant about the difference between listening and hearing skills.They were able to know that in order to listen effectively they need to use more than just ears. A good listener would listen not only to what was being said, but also to what was left unsaid or only partially said. Effective listening involves observing body language and noticing inconsistencies between verbal and non-verbal messages.In this Presentation the barriers to effective listening, and ten keys to effective listening were explained  and also why listening skill was  important for Journalism.This was a combined presentation for BJMC II, IV and VI Semester and MJMC II and IV Semester students in which 103 students participated. It was an enlightening session for all the students.


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