IMS LAW COLLEGE, NOIDA organized a visit to Supreme Court

Free speech has been used by the Supreme Court to give immense power to the members of our society.
IMS LAW COLLEGE, NOIDA organized  a  visit  to Supreme Court on Tuesday, 21st April 2015.The Supreme Court of India is the highest judicial forum and final court of appeal under the Constitution of India, the highest constitutional court, with the power of review. It comprises the Chief Justice of India and 30 other judges. It has original, appellate and advisory jurisdictions.As the final court of appeal of the country, it takes up appeals primarily against verdicts of the High Courts of various States of the Union and other courts and tribunals.The Supreme Court has extensive original jurisdiction for the protection of fundamental rights of citizens. It also acts as the court to settle disputes between various governments in the country. As an advisory court, it hears matters which may specifically be referred to it under the Constitution by the President of India. It also may take cognizance of matters on its own (or 'suo moto'), without anyone drawing its attention.The law declared by the Supreme Court becomes binding on all courts within India.To improve the drafting skills and arguments of  particular subject / case laws for B.A.,LL.B studentsthis visit was organied. Students witnessed the Court Proceedings related to sale of immovable property, Consumer Protection Act, 1986, sexual harassment, kidnapping & abduction and PIL pertaining to Criminal Investigation/ Prosecution etc. After visiting the court proceedings students got technique /methods how to build your cases and argue the case before the bench and they learn how to answer the question put by the bench. The purpose of the visit was to understand the working of a court, the nature of duties of the judicial officers. The visit was to help us understand the role of court in dispensing justice in any case, the role of prosecutors in a case, the way cases proceed in a court, the way judges ,prosecutors and defense lawyers handle the case, the relationship of the prosecutors and the police. This gave us an opportunity to understand the actual need of co- ordination in the four pillars of the criminal justice system .The visit included an in-depth study of the day to day functioning of the criminal courts, at different levels and over a vast variety of cases. The aim was to evaluate the resources available and the distribution of power between the judges, the prosecution, and the defense council. . The event was coordinated by Mr.  Sudhakaran , Ms. Neha Singh (Law Faculty) under the guidance of Dr. Niti Sinha (HOD, Law College).


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