Master Chef 2015 -Neha Deepak Shah was at IMSNOIDA Salaam Namaste Community Radio

Master Chef 2015 -Neha Deepak Shah was here at Radio Salaam Namaste recently.
Neha was the first Runner Up of Master Chef India 2015 .Neha who quit her job as a flavourist had attempted for Masterchef in earlier three seasons.Such was her urge to carve a niche for herself that she made it her motto to prove her culinary skills that she made it high this time !
       An all time favourite of Chef Vikas Khanna ,she proved that Cooking is no longer restricted to home walls .Rather creative cooking is the call of the time .Neha would very soon be opening her Fine dine restaurant in Mumbai ,where she aims to rejuvinate the flavours and fragrances of Indian food .
She took part in the Radio Programe  Khaas Salaam !!!

 Neha also shared her exhilerance to visit IMS Campus !!!.


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